When someone mentions 'mac', I do not lie when I say my eyes literally light up. Their products have never ever failed to let me down and this bronzer is yet another marvelous product I have added to my makeup collection. I have been wary of purchasing this product as I have already got mac 'skin Finnish' in 'global glow' which I have been using as my bronzer. But after seeing my friends bronzer looking amazing, she recommended mac bronzing powder which I recently bought.
The packaging
Yet another packaging by mac which looks so simple, yet gorgeous. The product comes in a small black box with the famous mac logo on the front and the name of the product. The back of the packaging includes the ingredients contained within the product. The actual bronzer is in a small circular compact which, when opened, has a mirror on the inside above the bronzer.
The product
The actual bronzer is amazing. Much better than I expected it would be. The bronzer is very smooth, and applies to the skin very easily. I can normally not apply bronzer with cheep makeup brushes as it does not get on it easily, but this bronzer sticks to any brush straight away and glides onto my face beautifully. The product did surprisingly not make me break out with any spots or blemishes which I was extremely happy with! The bronzer stayed on my skin all day without getting "cakey" or "muddy". The only disadvantage with this product as it does make my skin look rather dry depending on the amount I put on, that's why small, reasonable amounts have to be used at a time.

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